AHS63 Classmate Information Sheet
Date: September 4, 2013
Your Name: Hazel Goodwin Tudor
Mailing Address: 107 Sycamore Street, Cary, N. C. 27513
Home Phone: (919)467-8404
Cell Phone: (919)623-1353
Web Page Address:
E-mail: wtudor1@nc.rr.com
Facebook Page Identity: none
Twitter Identity: none
Spouse/Significant Other / Family / Pets: Worth B. Tudor, Jr. - Deceased, October 11, 2008
Since AHS Graduation: Worked for Carolina Power and Light Company 13 years, quit to have my son, Scott, and worked at NCSU in the College of Design as the Registrar for
30 years. Retired in 2008 when Worth was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Hobbies/Interests: Enjoy gardening, antique collecting, spending time with my
granddaughter and grandson, James and Anna.
Apex Memories: The lunches in the cafeteria, the “sock hops” in the gym, playing
on the playground, which is a football field now, I believe. Serving as waitresses at
the junior-senior prom, dressed in pajamas(the theme that year was “Drifting in Dreamland”.The waitresses sang “ Dream, when you’re feeling blue” ------or something
like that - to the seniors. The bus ride home after Hurricane Hazel, seeing all the huge
trees down across the road, Mrs. Edith Maynard leading our tonnette class, and teaching
us how to knit.
Message To Your Classmates: Be of good courage in meeting life’s hardships. It
has been very hard losing my husband, Worth, and I find that you have to go on with your life and try to keep busy.
Pictures AND/OR Links to Online Pictures / Facebook Page: None. I am not
on facebook. I got on for a short while, and found it just took too much time.