AHS63 Classmate Information Sheet
Date: 9-3-2013
Your Name: Hamilton Martin
Mailing Address: 310 W Chatham St
Apex, NC 27502
Home Phone: 919-362-6184
Cell Phone:
Web Page Address:
E-mail: hamiltonm@nc.rr.com
Facebook Page Identity:
Twitter Identity:
Spouse/Significant Other / Family / Pets:
Wife - Sylvia Edwards Martin - That’s right - the cheerleader herself - married in Duke Chapel 2006
One daughter - Anna Hamilton Martin age 29 currently NC State grad school
Since AHS Graduation:
UNC grad 1967
US Navy Officer - aircraft carrier USS Hancock and special warfare officer Vietnam 1967-1970 Bronze star medal
UNC 1973-1975
Certified Public Accountant for 35 years
Built my dream house 5 doors from where I grew up on Chatham street next door to Carter
Schaub where his antique car garage was. My friend Mary Hunter Schaub sold me the lot.
Retired at Nello L Teer Co in Durham. Currently working at NC Department of Transportation.
I have been to Hong Kong, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Paris, Singapore, Caracas, Pearl Harbor, Nassau, Cambodia, Wake Island, touchdown Jesus at Notre Dame, New Hill, Holly Springs and been on the Mekong River knowing all the time that the only place I really wanted to be was Apex.
I love the game of golf and work extremely hard on my property. I dream about 1957 Chevrolet convertibles a lot. I collect and read many of the world’s great books to pass on to my daughter.
Apex Memories:
Apex 14 Cary 13 our junior year. People still talk with me about that. Beat em in basketball that year by one point too. Linwood Taylor made the last shot in the old gym with cushions at the end wall to crash into. Student council (I mean stupid council) making popcorn there.
Good times at the drugstore after school. Priming tobacco and practicing football that same night. Clarence Edwards 1955 Ford station wagon. I swear we got 17 kids in there. My white 1947 Dodge “The Commode” that I got from Brucie Benton.
Study hall (who am I kidding). Squirting Carol Woody in biology lab when the glass nozzle blew off the hose and begging him not to tell Ms, Cook. French club pizza at Villa Capri next to Amburn Pontiac. Jo Cameron. Marlin “swifty” Quick. Coach Garmon. Walter the janitor. Ms. Newton. Carolina Beach and Myrtle Beach after the school year where Papa Bear cooked for us. Thanks Wayne. Waiting for the “Buzz” to come out.
Message To Your Classmates:
I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to seeing you all.
If anyone has an old Buzz-please bring it.
If you have not been here for a long time, you will be surprised how things downtown look pretty much the same except a little more modern, but with population now around 40,000 there are more houses everywhere and noticeably more shopping areas. You will like the old town hall change into the Halle Center.
My home will be open to you all to reminisce about what were some of the best days of our lives.
Pictures AND/OR Links to Online Pictures / Facebook Page: