AHS63 Classmate Information Sheet
Date: 9-21-13
Your Name: Vicky Yarbrough Oakes
Mailing Address: 1418 Mordecai Drive
Raleigh, NC 27604
Home Phone: 919-832-0562
Cell Phone:
Web Page Address:
E-mail: doakes3@aol.com
Facebook Page Identity:
Twitter Identity:
Spouse/Significant Other / Family / Pets:
Since AHS Graduation: Always lived in Wake County
Traveled around the country, Hawaii and Canada
Enjoying retirement and going to Rex Wellness Center
Hobbies/Interests: Still have my love for reading
Apex Memories: Terrified of Ms. Newton
Tobacco fields
Message To Your Classmates:
Looking forward to seeing each and everyone one of you
Pictures AND/OR Links to Online Pictures / Facebook Page: